Legendarivs Canis is a first-class Dogue de Bordeaux breeder in France that exports worldwide. Being located right in the motherland of the breed has its advantages, as their French Mastiffs are as true as they come. Legendarivs Canis’ dogs have beautiful red coloring, gorgeous expressions, and the kind of structure anyone could desire (especially in a working breed of this type). In a recent interview with owner Anthony Fauvel, he tells us their story. Legendarivs Canis has a long list of accomplishments; including multiple national and international titles. They really set the bar high when it comes to quality and it shows. Anthony has a real passion for all things Dogue de Bordeaux, and is a true connoisseur of the breed. So much so, that he was even asked to provide his expert commentary in a section he wrote for the 2015 book: the World of Dogue de Bordeaux by Bas Bosch.

The first time Anthony saw a Dogue de Bordeaux, was when he was 5 years old. He says that this really stands out in his memory to this day. Growing up he had a Great Pyrenees; so he was accustomed to large mastiff-type dogs. It was not until later in life that he would see one again. Anthony and his family used to go to Gérardmer Lake every July 14th (a major holiday in France). When he was 20 years old on one of their family trips there, he saw a man drinking a beer with his Dogue de Bordeaux in the street. Seeing that brought him right back to his childhood, when he first encountered this beautiful breed. Two days later he decided to contact one of the most famous breeders in France and purchase his first Dogue de Bordeaux.

The Dogue de Bordeaux gained mass popularity worldwide in 1989, after Beasley and few of his stunt doubles landed their big breakout role: in the movie Turner & Hooch with Tom Hanks. This movie gave the breed the international recognition it deserved. In 2021 Disney+ also released a TV series based on the original; also named Turner & Hooch. The Dogue de Bordeaux is a French national treasure and one the oldest dog breeds in France. It is difficult to say exactly where their predecessors originated with great certainty, but there are multiple theories held by different historians. According to Ancient Greek and Roman literature, there have been large mastiff-type dogs in Europe for over 2,000 years; where they mention names such us the Molossus (or Molosser), the Pugnaces Britanniae, and the Alaunt.

In fact one of the oldest books ever written to discuss working dog breeds was written in France in the 1300s: the Livre de la Chasse written by Gaston III Phoebus, Count of Foix. This book was really the first of its type, and the first book written about early dog breeds and hunting in Europe. The Livre de la Chasse discusses dogs that could be the early predecessors to the Dogue de Bordeaux and other related mastiff breeds in Europe. Gaston mentions various types of Alaunts in his book and explains their working purposes. Alaunts were brought to Europe by the Alani people (Alans) from Western and Central Asia; dogs that may have descended from Assyrian Mastiffs (depicted in detailed stone carvings approximately 2700 years ago). Recent DNA evidence suggests that the Dogue de Bordeaux is a part of a genetic group that bonds together nearly all European mastiff-type dogs. So wherever the European Mastiffs originate, they share a large percentage of common heritage from many of the same predecessors. You can learn more about this and other Mastiff-related history in one of our upcoming articles. What we do know about the Dogue de Bordeaux breed, is that it was created and carefully developed in France.

At 35 years old, Anthony Fauvel now has over 15 years of experience with the Dogue de Bordeaux breed. His kennel, Legendarivs Canis has exported dogs all over the world; from North America to Asia. One important thing to note, is that he pays really close attention to health in his breeding program. Anthony is thoroughly educated on the potential health issues with DDBs and uses this knowledge to make important breeding decisions. He does extensive health testing on every dog in his program. This includes hip and elbow testing via x-rays, heart and kidney testing with echocardiograms, and DNA testing for any other major issues like hyperkeratosis. Anthony’s goal is to produce the healthiest dogs possible; to ensure that he does his part to improve the overall health of the breed. In addition to furthering the breed in terms of health, he also pays close attention to the standard of the breed to produce Dogues that are true-to-type.

Anthony’s Dogues de Bordeaux hold multiple European National titles. Most of these titles come from the FCI in Europe (The FCI is to Europe what the AKC is to the United States). All Dogues produced by Legendarivs Canis are FCI and SCC registered. The FCI is one of the largest kennel clubs in the world and it is definitely the most popular club in continental Europe. According to FCI’s website, they are the world’s largest canine association. The club was originally started by 5 countries: France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands. The FCI is currently based in Belgium and it stands for the Fédération Cynologique Internationale. Anthony has participated in numerous FCI shows across Europe.

In 2017 Anthony took his dogs to the French National (one of the largest shows in the world). In this show alone there were 300 Dogues de Bordeaux entered. One of the greatest honors an FCI show is to have your dogs reach the Ring of Honor. Of the 4 dogs he brought that year, all four went on to the Ring of Honor at the French National. The year prior year he did the same at the Dutch National in the Netherlands; with four dogs moving on to the Ring of Honor. In 2015, one of his beautiful black-masked females achieved the CACS title at the FCI French Championship; another prestigious achievement. So it is evident that the breed standard, is something very important to him and his breeding program.

Anthony breeds for the standard, but also strives to create a unique look within those parameters. So he breeds for a consistent phenotype (overall appearance of the dog) by using a balance of both line breeding and outcrossing. An interesting fact about his breeding program, is that Anthony says his best dogs have actually come from outcrossing (breedings that do not have any common ancestors in the last few generations or more). In both cases, Anthony always tests the dogs for any hereditary conditions to be sure that breeding is beneficial to the improvement of the breed. He has some very specific traits that he prefers. One feature he looks for is a “trapezoidal head and a strong chin.” He also looks for specific wrinkle patterns that give his dogs character. His French Mastiffs are definitely true-to-type (as they have proven multiple times in the European show circuit); while maintaining their uniqueness within the breed standard. So he is definitely doing his part to help improve the Dogue de Bordeaux gene pool; while still producing show quality dogs that meet the breed standard.

Legendarivs Canis produces Dogues that not only perform well in the show ring, but also in a working capacity. Anthony says that he likes his dogs to be “capable of great speed over short distances” and able to do this without any breathing problems. Anthony shared an interesting story with us about something that happened to him in the house he used to live in. One day his dogs started going crazy barking in the yard, and he could not get them to stop.

They were barking towards his neighbor’s house. When he went to look, he could see that some people had broken into his neighbors house and saw them hopping out through the window. His Dogues scared the intruders off and he was able to call the police in time to secure the neighbor’s home before too much damage was done. A good guard dog truly has a special ability to recognize when something is not right. Whether it be strange sounds or strange behaviors, they have a way of picking up on these signs. Anthony’s Dogues have a special talent for knowing when things are not right.

Since DDBs tend to have a natural guard dog instinct already, it is important to socialize them while they are young. Anthony says that you should start this process after they have had all of their shots. The first 6 months of their lives is an important time to socialize your Dogue de Bordeaux. You can do this by exposing them to other friendly people, kids, new noises, and new environments. Mr. Fauvel also recommends starting them in formal training classes as soon as possible. Last but not least, proper exercise is key he says: it is important for them to get regular exercise for development while avoiding excessive exercise during developmental stages of growth.

Legendarivs Canis produces top quality Dogues de Bordeaux and exports them all over the world. If you would like to learn more about Legendarivs Canis and their DDBs, then you can contact them through their website at https://legendarivscanis.chiens-de-france.com/dogue-de-bordeaux.html , on Facebook at https://m.facebook.com/Legendarivs-Canis-Dogue-de-Bordeaux-106541960700412/ or by email at Legendarivscanis@gmail.com. For additional pictures scroll down to see more.