Invictus Bull is a standard Bull Terrier breeder located near Coimbra in Portugal, that specializes in Black Bull Terriers. Invictus has a long line of champions in their pedigrees; with names like Gr.CH Rocky Top’s Sundance Kid, Gr.CH Teirwgwyn Paper Gangsta at Bullyview, Gr.CH Teirwgwyn Top Gun, Gr.CH Tulsadoom Isakabuli, Gr.CH Emred Huntsman, Gr.CH Black Magic, and many more. We interviewed owner Bruno Santos to find out more about his kennel. After he gave us a tour of his facilities, he shared with us what his program all about. Invictus has everything that you would expect and more from any top quality kennel. Their dogs are broad-chested, muscular with wide heads, and have great temperaments. Best of all, they have those classic egg-shaped heads that everybody knows and loves. Invictus Bull sends their puppies all over the United States and the rest of the world.

Bull Terriers have been used in pop culture and advertising for many years. One of the most notable Bull Terriers in the US, was a dog named Honey Tree Evil Eye. She went by Evie for short, but was better known by her stage name of Spuds Mackenzie. Spuds Mackenzie was a character created by Jon Moore for a Budweiser advertising campaign in the 1980s. Although most did not know it at the time, Evie “Spuds Mackenzie” was actually a female. She was extremely popular in 80s pop culture and a well known icon among collectors of beer memorabilia. Budweiser was not the only company to use Bull Terriers in their advertising. We have also seen Bull Terriers used by other major companies in their advertising campaigns; such as Target with their Bull Terrier mascot named “Bullseye.”

Bruno has some beautiful white Bull Terriers in his lines with that classic white Bull Terrier look, but his focus is on breeding the best black Bull Terriers around. He searched the world to find the right dogs for his kennel. He found dogs that came from well known champion lines with the right qualities to start a successful kennel. Invictus Bull uses their very own handpicked dogs for all of their breedings. Their dogs are muscular with wide chests and heads; without compromising that beautiful egg-shaped look. Invictus Bull definitely breeds for the best qualities in conformation. These are top-notch Bull Terriers that are exported all over the world. As stated before, their lines have numerous champions such as: Gr.CH Rocky Top’s Sundance Kid, Gr.CH Conreniam Dark Magician, Gr.CH Emred Daredevil, Gr.CH Teirwgwyn Paper Gangsta at Bullyview, Gr.CH Silver Bullet the Joker at Javarke, Gr.CH Teirwgwyn Son of a Gun at Meilow, Gr.CH Teirwgwyn Top Gun, Gr.CH Tulsadoom Isakabuli, Gr.CH Alecto Kool Barracuda at Kilacabar, Gr.CH Emred Huntsman, and Gr.CH Black Magic. They also have their very own champion in house: CH Kali Black Magic at Invictus Bull. Right now he is focused on breeding full black Bull Terriers, to create Black Bull Terriers that are true-to-type. Bruno tells us that one of the reasons he got into Bull Terriers is because he loves things that are unique and according to Bruno, there is nothing more unique than a Bull Terrier. Their triangular eyes, head-shape, build, and loving personality make this breed one of a kind.

In order to get ready for a new litter, there is a lot of preparation involved. Bruno has it down to a science when it comes to his dogs. For all of their females, they wait until the third heat before breeding. After having a litter they will wait at least one or two more heat cycles before breeding again; to ensure that the mother is in tip-top shape before breeding again. Eight days after the female goes into heat, they start testing for progesterone levels. They will continue testing until they identify the most fertile time for breeding.

Once they have determined optimal time for breeding, then they will start the insemination process. 26 days after the last insemination, they will go in for an ultrasound. After confirming the pregnancy, they deworm the mother on the 45th day. Generally their females give natural birth, but in rare cases a c-section could be necessary as. During natural births Bruno assists the mother with cutting the umbilical cords, clears the airways of the puppies, dries them off with a towel, and immediately places them on the mother to start breast feeding. After the birthing process is finished and the puppies breastfeed, then they are placed into the incubator.

Every two hours for the first 15 days, they are removed from the incubator to breastfeed and then returned to ensure their safety. Accidental death is common for puppies left unattended with the mother. They often get trapped under a sleeping mother and suffocate. Although it is a lot more work to use incubators and pull them out every two hours for 15 days, this is only way to guarantee their safety.

After 15 days they can then be with the mother on a regular basis. For added safety, Bruno has a barrier around the lower portion of the walls to keep the puppies safe from suffocation. Invictus Bull puts a lot of extra time and effort into raising their puppies. They have everything down to a carefully calculated science and go the extra mile.

Bruno’s dogs have amazing personalities and temperaments. They are great with people of all ages including children, and love to play. His Bull Terriers are true friends to him and his family. All of his dogs comes from well known lines with all of the necessary health testing; and his goal is to continue to produce the healthiest dogs possible. They are in such high demand, that 80% of them are exported all over the world. As mentioned previously, he imported his dogs from all over the world to combine the very best qualities that each line had to offer. Invictus Bull is producing unique dogs that really stand out and plan to continue producing full black standard Bull Terriers. Invictus Bull also offers XL American Bullies. You can find additional pictures of his Bull Terriers below. If you would like to learn more about Invictus Bull and their dogs please contact Bruno by email at, on his Facebook kennel page or +351 916 077 738 by phone.