Breeder Registration Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name of Breeder (Kennel Name) *Breed *Alabai (Central Asian Ovcharka)Alano EspañolAmerican BulldogAmerican BullyAmerican Pit Bull TerrierAmerican Staffordshire TerrierAnatolian ShepherdBlack Russian TerrierBoerboelBoston TerrierBoxerBrazilian TerrierBullmastiffBully KuttaCa de Bou (Perro de Presa Mallorquin)Cane CorsoCaucasian Shepherd DogCimarronDogue de Bordeuax (French Mastiff)Dogo ArgentinoEnglish BulldogEnglish Bull TerrierEnglish MastiffFila de São MiguelFrench BulldogGreat DaneJack Russell TerrierJapanese TerrierKangalMiniature Fox TerrierNeapolitan MastiffOlde English BulldoggeOld White EnglishParson Russell TerrierPresa Canario (Canary Dog)Pyrenean MastiffRafeiro do AlentejoRat TerrierRatonero Bodeguero AndaluzRottweilerStaffordshire Bull TerrierSaint BernardTibetan MastiffTosa InuYorkshire TerrierAdditional Breed (if applicable) *Alabai (Central Asian Ovcharka)Alano EspañolAmerican BulldogAmerican BullyAmerican Pit Bull TerrierAmerican Staffordshire TerrierAnatolian ShepherdBlack Russian TerrierBoerboelBoston TerrierBoxerBrazilian TerrierBullmastiffBully KuttaCa de Bou (Perro de Presa Mallorquin)Cane CorsoCaucasian Shepherd DogCimarronDogue de Bordeuax (French Mastiff)Dogo ArgentinoEnglish BulldogEnglish Bull TerrierEnglish MastiffFila de São MiguelFrench BulldogGreat DaneJack Russell TerrierJapanese TerrierKangalMiniature Fox TerrierNeapolitan MastiffOlde English BulldoggeOld White EnglishParson Russell TerrierPresa Canario (Canary Dog)Pyrenean MastiffRafeiro do AlentejoRat TerrierRatonero Bodeguero AndaluzRottweilerStaffordshire Bull TerrierSaint BernardTibetan MastiffTosa InuYorkshire TerrierAdditional Breed (if applicable) *Alabai (Central Asian Ovcharka)Alano EspañolAmerican BulldogAmerican BullyAmerican Pit Bull TerrierAmerican Staffordshire TerrierAnatolian ShepherdBlack Russian TerrierBoerboelBoston TerrierBoxerBrazilian TerrierBullmastiffBully KuttaCa de Bou (Perro de Presa Mallorquin)Cane CorsoCaucasian Shepherd DogCimarronDogue de Bordeuax (French Mastiff)Dogo ArgentinoEnglish BulldogEnglish Bull TerrierEnglish MastiffFila de São MiguelFrench BulldogGreat DaneJack Russell TerrierJapanese TerrierKangalMiniature Fox TerrierNeapolitan MastiffOlde English BulldoggeOld White EnglishParson Russell TerrierPresa Canario (Canary Dog)Pyrenean MastiffRafeiro do AlentejoRat TerrierRatonero Bodeguero AndaluzRottweilerStaffordshire Bull TerrierSaint BernardTibetan MastiffTosa InuYorkshire TerrierPlease select the number of dogs you would like to register below: *1234567891011121314151617181920+Registration Type *All Silver (Printed Copy of Certificate of Registration) $15.00 eachAll Gold (Printed Copy of Certificate of Registration with 4 Generation Pedigree) $30.00 eachAll Platinum (Printed Copy of Certificate of Registration with 5 Generation Pedigree) $45.00 eachMultiple Registration Types (I will specify in the box below)If you chose the option for multiple registration types please specify which types for which dogs.Owner's Name *FirstLastPhone Number *Email *Street Address *City *State *Country *Please choose one of the following options to send proof of existing breed registration (please do not send any original paperwork only copies) along with a front and side picture of dog, and payment if applicable (Must be check, cashier's check, or money order made payable to "American Bull and Terrier Kennel Club").I will email proof of existing breed registration of parents and pictures of my dog to (Please Include your first and last name in the subject) and mail payment (if applicable) to PO Box 6716 Glendale, AZ 85312.I will mail proof of existing breed registration of parents, pictures of my dog, and payment to PO Box 6716 Glendale, AZ 85312.Please list the name and phone number of any co-owners if applicable:Additional CommentsNameSubmit