George and Cathy Markos have been breeding Boxers for over 20 years. They produce some of the best working Boxers in the world; both in conformation and performance. Their Boxers are true working dogs that are highly trained in tracking, obedience and protection. They are strong, athletic, and have the kind of drive necessary for a working dog. Both George and Cathy, are professional dog trainers with well over 30 years of experience in formal dog training.

Boxers von Bachbett kennel has been training Boxers to work with law enforcement agencies all over the Midwest since 1996. They are actually deputized as official K-9 unit trainers for the local Sheriff’s department. Their dogs have won numerous awards in Schutzhund, Police K-9 competitions, and European-style conformation shows. This is why many of their offspring have been purchased by local law enforcement agencies as K-9 officers.

George and Cathy have numerous dogs that have won major awards; such as USA-BOX Best in Show & National Sieger Elastic Lacoste, IPO1, AD, ZTP, and Koerung. Lacoste has gone Best in Show against as many as 60 other competing Boxers. Cathy also owned a professional dog training center for more than 20 years; with over 7,000 dogs trained in a wide variety of disciplines. This included everything from Puppy Kindergarten to high-level obedience and performance activities. So needless to say, this family knows dogs.

Growing up, George’s family had Boston Terriers. Their Boston Terriers were a little bigger than what you would typically see now. One of them was actually trained in protection. So George already had a lot of experience with working breeds in his early years. He always thought it would be fun to have bigger dogs one day and eventually bought a Boxer. One of the reasons George says that Boxers may have grabbed his attention, could have been their name; as his Dad was a well-known professional boxer. Also Boxers and Boston Terriers do bear some resemblance.

In the 1980s, George met a German couple with a Boxer that had recently moved to the US. Their Boxer that was really impressive. George said that he was 110lbs and 29” at the withers. It was almost unheard of to see a Boxer this size; even back then. It is well known that Boxers descend largely from Bullenbeissers (large mastiff type dogs in Germany), but still very few male Boxers reach the 80lb range. So this dog, was definitely a throwback to the old Bullenbeisser stock. The son of this dog became the founding stud for Boxers von Bachbett; they named him Rewards Rebel Rouser. Rebel grew to be 100lbs and 28” at the withers; which is enormous for a Boxer.

A few years later in Germany, they met a breeder at a Schutzhund championship that had an amazing stud; Akim von der Keltenberg. They ended up buying a male puppy off of Akim and named him Grobi. This puppy grew to be a giant as well. At 97lbs and 26” at the withers, he was huge. Another dog that played a large role in their breeding program is Cliff; who ended up becoming a K-9 police officer. In his career, Cliff had nearly 600 arrests. He was highly trained in Schutzhund and was an amazing tracker. He was also over 90lbs of pure muscle and athletic. Cliff is even YouTube famous; approaching a million views on one of his videos performing guard work.

Although they started with really large Boxers, George said they have shifted their focus more towards dogs in the 70lb to 80lb range. He says that his dogs are smaller now, but they have even more speed and endurance. They keep improving with every generation. George and Cathy have selectively bred the best of the best to create the ideal working Boxer. As stated before, Boxers von Bachbett currently has about 30 dogs to-date that have titled in Schutzhund competitions. Their Boxers excel in tracking, obedience, and protection.

Cathy and George actually met at a training class in her earlier days of dog training; when he brought Rebel into the school where she was teaching at the time. George’s interest in Schutzhund soon rubbed off on Cathy. George and Cathy have both titled their dogs in Schutzhund with multiple titles in levels 1, 2, and 3. George won his first Schutzhund title in 1988 with his Boxer Rebel. Cathy was actually the first in the US to ever reach a Schutzhund 3 title with a female Boxer; National Siegerin Xenia von Sparta. They have a long list of accomplishments on the national and international level. In addition to the desirable qualities their Boxers have in these specialized fields, they also make great family companions. Please see additional pictures below and list of titles and accomplishments that George, Cathy, and their dogs have achieved. If you are interested in finding out more about Boxers Von Bachbett’s dogs, you can contact Cathy or George by email at, on their website at, or by phone at (608) 572-7070.